Linux Mint - Community

2020-1-21 · Installing Linux Mint on your PC or Mac opens up a whole range of new open-source software and capabilities. It involves some initial preparation, but in the end, you'll find it worth the investment. It involves some initial preparation, but in the end, you'll find it worth the investment. Linux Mint - Community Hi Clem and Linux Mint Team. The upgrade was a success. So far so good. Thank you so much for the support. willendorfer 1 week ago I tried again, and this time got all the way through the mintupgrade download. Build binary or source packages from sources build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages changelog - View a package Linux Mint OS Type: Linux Based on: Debian, Ubuntu (LTS) Origin: Ireland Architecture: i686, x86_64 Desktop: Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce Category: Beginners, Desktop, Live Medium Status: Active Popularity: 3 (2,697 hits per day) Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a classic desktop experience with many convenient, custom tools and optional out-of-the-box multimedia support.

2020-7-9 · Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” Xfce released! This article was posted on Sat, 27 Jun 2020 13:16:44 +0000. The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” Xfce Edition. Linux Mint 20 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2025.

The Ubuntu Sources List Generator is one great tool that you can use to generate source list for your Ubuntu. 1. I know there are key differences in the two Distros. They’re both based on Debian and “yes” Linux-Mint is based also on Ubuntu a well but there has been an … Ubuntu Sources List Generator - Simply Linux

Da die sources.list unverändert bleibt, kann man zusätzliche Fremdquellen nutzen, ohne die Originalquellen zu ändern. Dazu erstellt man in diesem Verzeichnis mit einem Editor und Root-Rechten eine neue Datei mit der Endung .list. Der Name ist frei wählbar, entscheidend ist die Endung. Die Einträge sind identisch zur sources.list aufgebaut

USTC Open Source Software Mirror 2020-7-7 · Welcome to USTC open source software mirror. Brought to you by University of Science and Technology of China and USTCLUG. 反向代理列表 Best Free Linux Mint Games – Linux Hint