To leave anonymous mode and switch back to your account, tap the anonymous profile picture in the top-left corner of the screen, and then tap “Switch to an account.” Share

As we mentioned above, if you're an average user looking at cat GIFs and browsing Facebook, you probably don't need to worry about the government spying on your activity, and Tor is just going to How to Access the Deep Web [Best Guide] using Tor Browser Apr 16, 2017 3 Steps to anonymous Browsing & anonymous search

What Is Anonymous Browsing? Best 20 Anonymous Surfing

Best Anonymous Browser For Windows 10 Laptop And PC With Its anonymous browser Idyll serves for anonymous surfing the network inside the Utopia ecosystem. As Utopia is an absolutely anonymous and secure ecosystem, browsing there is just a pleasure — no tracking, no ads. The ecosystem is available for download for Mac, Windows, and Linux for free. iOS and Android versions are currently in development. How to REALLY Browse Anonymously

All anyone monitoring your browsing habits can see is that you're using Tor. RESIST FINGERPRINTING Tor Browser aims to make all users look the same, making it difficult for you to be fingerprinted based on your browser and device information.

While InPrivate Browsing keeps other people who use your computer from seeing what sites you’ve visited, it does not prevent someone on your network, such as a network administrator.. Anonymous Browsing. Personal privacy on the internet, as any computer-savvy user knows, is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. In many cases, the content you view actually comes from third-party sites. How to be anonymous on the Internet Nov 16, 2019 How to Browse Anonymously With Tor Jul 12, 2017